Lincolnshire Rare Bird and Wildlife Photo Album.

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The Lincolnshire Bird, Dragonfly, Damselfly, Butterfly, Moth, Mammal and Plant Photo Album.
Image search results - "Tern"
Black Tern138 viewsBlack Tern - Kirkby on BainRussell Hayes
Western Swamphen 255 viewsWestern Swamphen - Alkborough FlatsRussell Hayes
Caspian Tern219 viewsCaspian Tern - Gibraltar PointRussell Hayes
Caspian Tern181 viewsCaspian Tern - Gibraltar PointRussell Hayes
Black Tern142 viewsStill about on the north end of hide pit (14 May)Trevor Gunby
Black Tern147 viewsRecord shot of a rare visitor to the hide pit.Trevor Gunby
Bittern183 viewsFrom the hideTrevor Gunby
Bittern208 viewsFrom the hide. It seems to have been in the area for about two months but photo opportunities have been rare.Trevor Gunby
White-winged Black Tern188 viewsWhite-winged Black Tern - Frampton MarshRussell Hayes
White-winged Black Tern192 viewsWhite-winged Black Tern - Frampton MarshRussell Hayes
Little Bittern269 viewsColin Scott
Little Bittern226 viewsWell, wow no Squacco seen but then this gets found by Kev Shone & Garry Wright... Amazing..:)Colin Scott
Bittern351 viewsBittern - Helpringham FenRussell Hayes
Bittern 182 viewsBittern flying into left hand inlet at Boultham Mere after spending around twenty minutes in the openChris Grimshaw
Sandwich Tern54 viewsMick Widdowson
Gull-billed Tern233 viewsfirst-winter at Covenham Reservoir September 1972 photo Keith Atkingpc
Bittern204 viewsSeen to the left of the hide at 11:15 before flying to reedbed on the opposite side of the pit.Trevor Gunby
Black Tern160 viewsBlack Tern - Covenham ReservoirRussell Hayes
Black Tern144 viewsBlack Tern - Covenham ReservoirRussell Hayes
Common Tern82 viewsNot sure about the second one which has no black tip to the bill.Trevor Gunby
Common Tern68 viewsMick Widdowson
Black Tern121 viewsBlack Tern - Kirkby on "Rain"Russell Hayes
Black Tern100 viewsBlack Tern - Kirkby on "Rain"Russell Hayes
Common Tern59 viewsCommon TernDon Davis
American Black Tern92 viewsAmerican Black Tern at Covenham ReservoirTrevor Gunby
78 files on 4 page(s) 1



All images on this site are the Copyright of individual photographers and birders, for further information, please contact individual photographers direct, using email address associated with each image. All views expressed within the Wildlife Album are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Album Administrators. All images on the Wildlife Album are taken in Lincolnshire, for further information on Lincolnshire Birds, see . The terms of the Wildlife and Countryside Act must be observed and licences obtained to photograph Schedule 1 species from the appropriate Statutory Nature Conservation Agency. The Lincsbirds photo Album does not encourage images of rare birds taken at the nest or with young - a copy of the appropriate licences must be available, otherwise your image will be removed.

The Bird Club was formed in 1979, to encourage and further an interest in the bird life, birding and birdwatching of the historic county of Lincolnshire, to collect and publish information on bird movements and bird populations, bird taxonomy, bird status, to encourage conservation of the wildlife of the county of Lincolnshire and to provide sound information on which bird conservation policies can be based.

Joining the Bird Club is a great way to make new birdwatching friends and contacts in Lincolnshire! If you are a "beginner", but keen to become actively involved in birding, you will find that learning about your county's wild birds - how, when and where to see them - is both easier and more enjoyable when undertaken in the company of our local enthusiasts. If you're already an active birdwatcher you can add another dimension to your birding by becoming involved in our varied local activities.

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