Lincolnshire Rare Bird and Wildlife Photo Album.

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Home > Discussion Birds

Most viewed - Discussion Birds
Hybrid Goose229 viewsThis bird was seen on Riverslea pit this morning and "Birdguides" suggest it is a hybrid,
probably Ross's x Barnacle. Any comments would be appreciated.
Trevor Gunby
Cormorant227 viewsI think this is P.c.sinensis. Haven't seen one before, are they a regular visitor? Taken from 200m through mist at 1545hrs.David Morison
Red-throated Diver227 viewsRed-throated Diver - Oiled front - Covenham Res March 2012Russell Hayes
Hybrids in the making227 viewsThis pair of geese consists of a Canada and a Greylag, they have paired up and produced youngstersGeorge Rutter
Redpoll227 viewsID pleaseOliver Woodman
Yellowlegs, bills comparison226 viewsLesser (top) and Greater (bottom) Yellowlegs, Mato Grosso, Brazil, August 2006Alex Lees
Dunnock with Bumble Foot ?226 viewsGarry Wright
224 viewsAs before sorry about qualityDave Rooke
Unusual Gull - Comments welcome on ID224 viewsRussell Hayes
Snow/Barnacle Goose Hybrid??224 viewsFound in a flock of about 30 barnaclesMichael Pickwell
Buzzard sp. What do you think?223 viewsPhotographer was trying out his when this flew over very high.John Clarkson
stint / peep223 viewsgpc
spotted pinks222 views324gpc
Red-Rumped Parrot - breeding in Caythorpe, Lincs!222 viewsachick
'American Wigeon'222 viewsRoy Harvey
Gull?220 viewsIs this a Herring or Yellow Legged Gull in 2nd / 3rd winter plumage? Or something else?Steve Nesbitt
hybrids220 viewsPaul Sullivan
What the Duck !220 viewsSeen at Cleethorpes, about Tuftie size, presumably a Heinz 57 but of what ?Russ Telfer
219 viewsAs previousDave Rooke
Chiffchaff, juvenile?219 viewsPrevious pic shows eye crescents and greyish head better.Dave Bradbeer
Peregrine219 viewsCan you sex this bird and how?John Clarkson
Goose219 viewsPaul Sullivan
goose sp219 viewsany commentsgpc
goose218 viewsAt freiston this morning, best guess is an emperor x barnacle?Paul Sullivan
What Tit is this bird - Marsh - Willow - Great?218 viewsimage 2Steve Nesbitt
455 files on 19 page(s) 12



All images on this site are the Copyright of individual photographers and birders, for further information, please contact individual photographers direct, using email address associated with each image. All views expressed within the Wildlife Album are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Album Administrators. All images on the Wildlife Album are taken in Lincolnshire, for further information on Lincolnshire Birds, see . The terms of the Wildlife and Countryside Act must be observed and licences obtained to photograph Schedule 1 species from the appropriate Statutory Nature Conservation Agency. The Lincsbirds photo Album does not encourage images of rare birds taken at the nest or with young - a copy of the appropriate licences must be available, otherwise your image will be removed.

The Bird Club was formed in 1979, to encourage and further an interest in the bird life, birding and birdwatching of the historic county of Lincolnshire, to collect and publish information on bird movements and bird populations, bird taxonomy, bird status, to encourage conservation of the wildlife of the county of Lincolnshire and to provide sound information on which bird conservation policies can be based.

Joining the Bird Club is a great way to make new birdwatching friends and contacts in Lincolnshire! If you are a "beginner", but keen to become actively involved in birding, you will find that learning about your county's wild birds - how, when and where to see them - is both easier and more enjoyable when undertaken in the company of our local enthusiasts. If you're already an active birdwatcher you can add another dimension to your birding by becoming involved in our varied local activities.

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