Made the trip up to the industrial north today for the superb adult Glaucous-winged Gull,it was seen on Saltholme Pools,and showed very well while it loafed about with the local gull flock,a most welcome addition to all our lifelists.Also seen here feeding on the nearby Port Clarence tip was a smart adult Glaucous Gull.
After seeing the gull we drove over to Langdon Beck in Upper Teesdale to look for Black Grouse.Sure enough when we arrived,the birds were feeding in a roadside field giving superb views.In all we saw 16 males and 1 female,a fantastic sight.Other birds in this area were a single Peregrine,2 Common Buzzard and a smart Dipper watched as it fed on the Tees.A cracking day,and a big thanks to Dave for driving

Steve,with Dave Wright,Chris Atkin and Alan "Sheepie" Dawes.