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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:01 am 
Lincs Bird Club Member
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
For those who are not familiar with the name 'Idle Valley Nature Reserve'.
This relatively new NWT reserve comprises most of what was once a very large area of mostly worked out and recently restored gravel pits. With the older pits in the main situated adjacent to access lanes between the villages of 'Sutton and Lound' and known by most birders as just 'Lound'.

This area was not well watched by birders for at least a quarter of a century of its early life as working gravel pits. The pits became more interesting and popular with waders, wildfowl and birders alike in the 80s, as more pits were excavated and the habitat continued to change and develop as the gravel workings grew ever larger in size. Tarmac had already donated a small area (Chainbridge wood) to Notts. Wildlife Trust but they did little or nothing with it. :?
The potential for this area as a wetland reserve was obvious to some and in the late 1980s and we approached the RSPB but they had their eye on a larger prize at Langford near newark. We then approached an executive member of NWT to help us form a management committee here at Lound, to make the dream a reality and the rest as they say is history.

This year (2011) saw Tarmac Quarries Ltd take the last of the economically viable gravel from the area. Leaving one of the largest sites for nature conservation in the East Midlands with most of it designated as a SSSI and a fantastic area of wetland that follows the River Idle northwards from the visitor centre near Retford and covers over 450 hectares. (Apparently the size of 600 football pitches)

The last of the disused gravel workings will be restored later this year primarily to attract breeding and wintering waders. Most of the area is owned or managed by Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust and supported by a grant from the 'Heritage Lottery Fund'. =D>

The area formally known as 'Lound' has been renamed 'The Idle Valley Nature Reserve'. :)


To err is human. To really louse things up takes a computer

Last edited by Derick Evans on Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:53 am 
Lincs Bird Club Member
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
September Sightings
In no particular order:
Greylag Goose.
Pink-footed Goose.
Black-necked Grebe.
Great Crested Grebe.
Little Grebe.
Red-crested Pochard.
Temminck’s Stint..
Little Stint.
Pectoral Sandpiper.
Curlew sandpiper.
Common Sandpiper.
Green Sandpiper.
Ringed Plover.
Black Tern.
Great black-backed Gull.
Lesser black-backed Gull
Herring Gull,
Yellow-legged Gull.
Black-headed Gull.
Little Egret
Marsh Harrier.
Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Meadow Pipit.
Spotted Flycatcher.
Yellow Wagtail.
White Wagtail.
Grey Wagtail.
Willow Tit.
Coal Tit.
Blue Tit.
Great Tit.
House Martins.
Sand martin.
Grey Partridge
Red-legged Partridge.


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:28 pm 
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
Wednesday 26th October

Neatholme Pit - Black-necked Grebe, 2 female Pintail.

Neatholme Scrape - 5 Dunlin, Goldeneye.

Neatholme Fen - 2 Little Egret, 3 Redshank, Buzzard.

Neatholme Lane - 6 Siskin, 7 Greenfinch, 3 Bullfinch, Great Spotted Woodpecker.
The Willows - Kingfisher, 1 Kestrel, c120 Fieldfare, 20 Redwing, 15 Blackbirds,
c200 Starling, several Mistle Thrush and a Song Thrush.

Clayworth Common - c150 Linnet, 30 Skylark feeding in stubble plus Buzzard over.

Blaco - Ringtail Hen Harrier reported late afternoon.

Chainbridge Scrape - Little Egret, Dunlin.

Bellmoor Lake - 60 Red-crested Pochard, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 4 Teal.

Vis. Mig.
c150 Golden Plover, c100 Redwing c200 Fieldfare, c50 Skylark south.
Good numbers of thrushes plus a single PEREGRINE west......


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:07 pm 
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
Great White Egret is back again at IVNR, after roaming South yorkshire for the
past few weeks. Today it was again frequenting the Chainbridge Scrape area.

A 'ringtail' Hen Harrier reported daily over fields North of Blaco. (Best viewed from Mattersey Priory access road) Today a second Juvenile bird was also seen in same area.......

Also c6 Little Egret, 2 Drk. Pintail, 5 Dunlin, 4 Redshank, 2 Snipe, c150 Golden Plover.

Neither the Drk American Wigeon (2nd one in past month) or the Raven have been reported today.


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:36 am 
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
Chainbridge NR Scrape: Great White Egret still present and moving between here and the adjacent 'Windsurf pit'. Also 3 Little Egret, 2 Drk. Pintail, 7 Goldeneye, c40 Wigeon, Dunlin, c40 Golden Plover, 2 Bewick's Swan. plus unconfirmed report of a Smew.

Neatholme Pit: Dunlin, Little Egret.

Neatholme Fen: Drk. American Wigeon for one afternoon only, c60 Golden Plover, 2 Little Egret, Redshank, 6 Snipe.

Neatholme Scrape - Up to 15 Goldeneye.

Blaco: - 2 Barnacle Geese, 5 Pink-footed Geese, Little Owl, 5 Kestrel, 2 Buzzard,
male Sparrowhawk, 10 Great Crested Grebes on pits.

Wildgoose Farm: - Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Windsurf Pit: Great White Egret, 2 Dunlin.

Parish Park: Tawny Owl calling, 1 Little Egret on lake.

Village Horse Paddock: Green Woodpecker, Great Spotted

Clayworth Common: Hen Harrier, 14 Golden Plover.

Mattersey Priory: Hen Harrier, 2 Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Short-eared Owl.

Other local news-
Gringly Carr: Flock of c300 Green Finch on wires and Sun flowers planted at edge
of feilds. Also Sparrowhawk, 2 Buzzard, Little Egret, c1000 Golden plover.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:53 am 
Lincs Bird Club Member
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Location: Torksey
As this N.R. covers a large area, is there a printed plan of the pits, scrapes etc. available for purchase?


PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:46 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
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Full details on the Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers website, including a link to a map which can be printed:


PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:13 pm 
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Many thanks, David.


PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:16 am 
Lincs Bird Club Member
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
Hi Guys.
The map that David posted the link too is OK. Except the last time I checked, that link did not work for some reason. Unfortunately that map info. is from 2005 and some of the named pits and info. is/are very much out of date I'm afraid.

NWT now own or manage the Idle Valley NR, which covers 90% of the land which was once Sutton & Lound GP and getting more adjacent land in the near future. Following this land aquasition a new difinative IVNR access plan/map will be available for the whole area. I will post this on here ASAP when it's available but for the time being please check out the links below. Which have all footpaths and parking indicated on the map. Plus a Google map of the area.

If anyone wants the old 2005 map. I will PM them with it on request. ... _flier.pdf ... 90895&z=14


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:01 am 
Lincs Bird Club Member
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
1st wtr. Iceland Gull & 2nd wtr. Glaucous Gull seen on the Neatholme scrape & Fen respectively at the w/end.. Plus ANother 'white-winged' gull sp over Chainbridge lane.

Also: 14 White-fronted Geese, 7 Whooper Swan, 300 Greylag Geese, 4 Pintail, c15 Goldeneye, 4 Little Egrets, 9 Redshank, Green Sandpiper, 4 Snipe, Oystercatcher, c150 Lapwing, Woodcock, Kingfisher, Tawny, Long-eared, Little & Short-eared Owl, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk.

10 Tree Sparrow, 15 Redpoll, 30+ Yellowhammer, 85 Greenfinch, Bullfinch, Siskin, Goldcrest, Willow Tit, Mistle Thrush, Song Thrush, Redwing, Fieldfare, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Green Woodpecker on reserve. Plus c100 Chaffinch around grain store at Walters farm.

Large numbers of gulls (10,000+) in the late evening roosts on Neatholme Fen, scrape and Water Ski Pits area.
Also just North of the IVNR near Bawtry. Big numbers of large gulls and wildfowl noted recently on the floods at Austerfield. Viewable from the main road or from 'Slaines lane' at Newington.


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:35 am 
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
Fri. 7th - Sunday 9th September

Neatholme Fen - sub-adult' Marsh Harrier, Little Egret.
Neatholme Pit - juvenile Marsh Harrier, 14 Wigeon.
Neatholme Scrape - 2 Red-crested Pochard, Buzzard over.
The Willows - male Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher, Lesser Whitethroat, Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Water Ski Pit - 68 Red-crested Pochard.
Clayworth Common - 4 Hobby , 3 Red-legged Partridge, 1 Grey Partridge.
Tiln Wader Scrape - female Peregrine, Short-eared Owl.
Chainbridge Scrape - 7 Little Egrets, 6 Wigeon, 7 Snipe.
Chainbridge Pit - 16 Red-crested Pochard, 3 Snipe, 2 Blackcap, 2 Willow Warbler, Sedge Warbler.
Walters Lane Pit - 5 Green Sandpiper.


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:17 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
Late news from Sunday 9th Sept.
Chainbridge NR Scrape - 7 Little Egrets, 6 Wigeon, 7 Snipe.

Chainbridge Pit - 16 Red-crested Pochard, 3 Snipe, 2 Blackcap, 2 Willow Warbler, Single Sedge Warbler.

Clayworth Common - 4 Hobby , 3 Red-legged Partridge, 1 Grey Partridge.

The Willows - 1 Spotted Flycatcher, Lesser Whitethroat, Green Sandpiper over, Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Neatholme Scrape - 2 Red-crested Pochard.

Neatholme Pit - 14 Wigeon.

Neatholme Fen - Little Egret.

Water Ski Pit - c68 Red-crested Pochard.

River Idle - Willow Warbler, Whitethroat, Reed Warbler.

Bunker Wood - Reed Warbler, Blackcap, Chiffchaff.

Tiln Trout Fishery - Little Egret, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Kestrel.


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:46 pm 
Lincs Bird Club Member
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
Recent sightings at the Idle Valley NR and environs
Chainbridge Scrape - male Pintail ,Single Short-eared Owl, 2 Bullfinch .

Chainbridge Pit – 2 Little Egret.

Tiln North (Restoration Area) – c50 Linnets, Peregrine.

Hayton Common - 12 Whooper Swans including 2 juveniles. Up to 5 Short-eared Owls.
NB: Please view this area from PRW’s only.

Neatholme Scrape - male Pintail, c700 Greylag Geese, also female/immature Common Scoter till 28th Nov. at least.

Wildgoose Farm - 10 Reed Bunting, 10 Goldfinch, 40 Chaffinch, 15 Greenfinch, 12 Tree Sparrows in Sunflowers.

Parish Park - Flock of 140 Siskin, 60 Redpoll and 20 Goldfinch.

Linghurst Wood- 50 Siskin.

Bellmoor Lake Area – Upto 4 Jack Snipe on main island, 29 Red-crested Pochard, Kingfisher along river, Jay, Treecreeper, Coal Tit, plus a mixed flock of c80 Redpoll, Goldfinch, and Siskin.

Good birding :wink:


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 1:20 pm 
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
Bellmoor Lake – ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD reported over lake heading towards Babworth area yesterday. Also female Merlin in hawthorn hedge by main gate to Rural Learning Centre, regularly seen near PRW past Tarmac offices.
2 Jack Snipe regularly seen on North side of the main island with a minimum of 40 Snipe.
Also 2 Ruff, 13 Goosander, 16+ Red-crested Pochard on around lake.

Tiln North (Restoration Area) - Up to 5 Short-eared Owls seen late afternoon with a single female Merlin, 2 Buzzard, 2 Barn Owl, c100 Fieldfare feeding on ground.

Clayworth Common - 2 Buzzard, c15 Whooper swan with Mute Swan herd, 'feral' Bar-headed Goose with c500 Greylag Geese,.

Neatholme Scrape - pair of Pintail, 14 Goldeneye, 5 Redpoll and 1 Willow Tit.

Notable counts of 450 Teal and 800 Lapwing on site.

Merry Christmas. :D


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:07 pm 
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Location: Tetney Marshes or Idle Valley Notts.
Richard Gunn wrote:
As this N.R. covers a large area, is there a printed plan of the pits, scrapes etc. available for purchase?


Apologies for the long delay in replying. (link to IVNR map below) ... ut_for.pdf


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