The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Northumberland Report
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Author:  Michael Surr [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Northumberland Report

Firstly my wife and I would like to thank Hugh Middleton for his advice on where to go and pointing us in the right direction.
We only managed 2 part days and these were very wet, but enjoyed it very much.
Cresswell Pond Nature Reserve, not much there but we did manage,
1 Otter, Water Rail, Shoveler,Greenshank, Redshank, Snipe, Wigeon,Teal, Curlew, Reed Warbler,Common Sandpiper, Pinkfoot Dunlin and Shelduck.

Druridge Pools and Nature Reserve
The only bird worth mentioning was a Glossy Ibis, very good views, for some reason there seemed to be more bird watchers than birds.

East Chevington Nature Reserve,
For us this lake gave us much pleasure, our best estimates for Pinkfoot was 2,ooo, then coming in, were in flocks of 250 and 400 Barnacle Geese, again best estimate was 4,000. The most we have ever seen. Despite the fact that there was at least 6 hides around the lake, we were the only people there.
Others include, Lapwing, Redshank, Curlew, Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler, Gadwall, Sedge Warbler, and a Stone Chat. We were in the most Southerly hide which was public access from a small lane going to the coast, with free parking. All the other hides can only be entered by paying at the Druridge Bay Country Park,having looked round it was not worht it

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