The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Fairburn Ings
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Author:  John T Goy [ Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Fairburn Ings

Hello everyone,

On the way home from Leeds we called at the above RSPB reserve and I found quite a few changes, some for the better and one not. For those who haven't been in the last six months or so the car park at the visitor centre has been resurfaced with tarmac, with new fencing and signs put up, hedges cut, new feeding stations and a small pond alongside plus a shelter close to the feeding station [next to visitor centre] near to where it was before, but much better, more opportunities for the photographers. Forgot to mention the other change non RSPB members have to pay £2 although if people are only going for thirty minutes it's free.

We started at the boardwalk which is at the end of the big lake near the main entrance, it's a pity we hadn't taken any bread as the birds all thought we had lol. Amongst them were 3 Black Swan's of which one I could clearly see a leg ring with Y002, this is the closest I've been to them.

Then we went to the feeding stations and saw Dunnock, Long-tailed, Willow, Great and Blue Tits, 5 rats, Tree Sparrow, Robin and above the centre a Kestrel, Mandy wished the light had been better as it would have made a great shot. As we walked away a charming little female Bullfinch flew into a bush next to us by the name of Brod, I left Mandy to say hello to her while I looked for the owls. Mandy was overjoyed at how close she had got to the Bullfinch certainly within a couple of feet! The warden told us all about the bird, from what he said it reminded us of the Steppe Shrike at Grainthorpe [let's hope it doesn't end up the same fate]. We are looking forward to meeting it again and maybe next time it will land on my shoulder or hand for Mandy to photograph!

On looking around the boardwalk area there was no sign of the owls.

We went to Lyn Dyke and saw best part of 100 Fieldfare, pair of Goldeneye, lots of Teal, Curlew, 34 Cormorant, Gadwall, Mallard, Shoveler, Kestrel, Coot, Lapwings, Greylags and a few Canada geese.

We arrived at 11.45 and left at 15.15 ish we had showers and of course it was cold.

Kind regards

John and Mandy
PS: it was Mandy's first time at this reserve and she really enjoyed it

Author:  Freddy Johnson [ Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fairburn Ings

Your report makes for an interesting and informative account of your visit. Plenty of detail but the narrative carries one along nicely. A pity about your dipping on the LE Owls, as Fairburn Ings is one of the few regular "local" sites for them these days. However, (and I know the journey is quite a flog!) there are up to three LEOs showing regularly along the entrance track to Fieldfare Hide at Rutland Water, plus occasional GN Diver and RT Diver in Whitwell Creek there and a regular male Black Redstart at Home Farm, Exton nearby. It could be an enjoyable day trip for you et al. when the weather turns bright and sunny again. (?)



Author:  John T Goy [ Sat Dec 19, 2009 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fairburn Ings

Freddy Johnson wrote:
Your report makes for an interesting and informative account of your visit. Plenty of detail but the narrative carries one along nicely. A pity about your dipping on the LE Owls, as Fairburn Ings is one of the few regular "local" sites for them these days. However, (and I know the journey is quite a flog!) there are up to three LEOs showing regularly along the entrance track to Fieldfare Hide at Rutland Water, plus occasional GN Diver and RT Diver in Whitwell Creek there and a regular male Black Redstart at Home Farm, Exton nearby. It could be an enjoyable day trip for you et al. when the weather turns bright and sunny again. (?)



Hi Freddy,

I may just have a trip down there when the weather picks up and we get lighter nights.

I also know of two sites much closer than both Rutland and Fairburn for the LEO but whether they are still there or not is anybodys guess.



Author:  David Morison [ Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fairburn Ings


I know there used to be a roost of 2 or 3 LEOs very close to a path at Denaby Ings (Yorks WTR not far from Fairburn). Whether they are still there or not I don't know as I haven't been there for about 5 yrs. I was thinking about popping in there soon so if anyone sees them in the meantime let me know. Used to be quite a few Ruddy Ducks there once as well.

Merry Whatsits

David Morison

Author:  John T Goy [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fairburn Ings

Won't be any Ruddy Duck's anywhere before to long :(

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