The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Brown Flycatcher at Old Fall Plantation Flamborough
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Author:  Phil Espin [ Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Brown Flycatcher at Old Fall Plantation Flamborough

What a bird. Found yesterday at c1.30pm. I managed to get there around 5.30 last night and had the most frustrating rubbish views of any bird nearly on my British list. What made it worse was standing next to John Harriman who claimed to be having crippling views while giving the sort of directions, which when the bird revealed itself as a blur disappearing into the impenetrable Sycamore leaves, lead to, oh that tree on the right.

Neil Eardley was keen to share his brief but fantastic views but of the 200 people there getting on for half had the same untickable views as me and got more depressed as the light faded.

So when the news came out this morning I was back there at 10. Totally different. Beautiful extended views out in the open until 11. More Lincs birders there too. Phil Hyde, Alec Parker, Roy Harvey to name a few.

At the moment there has been only one accepted British record, Fair Isle in July 1992 which was put into cat D. With the bird flu import ban preventing imports from Asia since last year, BOU surely now have no excuse. This bird has to go straight into cat A.

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