The Lincolnshire Bird Club |
Algarve Sept 30th - Oct 7th |
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Author: | Dave Worrell [ Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:08 pm ] |
Post subject: | Algarve Sept 30th - Oct 7th |
Just returned from a week in the Algarve. We stayed At Olhas d'Agua, just to the east of Albufeira and local birds were as follows azure winged magpie hoopoe crested tit great tit lbb gull yellow-legged gull gannet greenfinch blackbird hse sparrow sardinian warbler jay pied fly spotted fly collared dove cattle egret kestrel whinchat turnstone swallow hse martin The species count was greatly improved during 2 days out with Simon Wates. ( Sagres cattle egret honey buzzard x2 short-toed eagle marsh harrier hen harrier sparrowhawk buzzard booted eagle (c40) bonneli's eagle (c5) kestrel black stork (x7) (all above from the Sagres watchpoint) cory's shearwater peregrine little bustard rock dove stock dove collared dove turtle dove little owl hoopoe crested lark thekla lark skylark sardinian warbler willow warbler dartford warbler southern grey shrike azure winged magpie chough (c70) jackdaw raven spotless starling hse sparrow serin whinchat stonechat fan-tailed warbler wheatear blackbird Portamau rice fields bluethroat waxbill yellow crowned bishop glossy ibis (c80) white stork (c80) little egret greenshank green sandpiper purple swamphen Pera wetland little egret gey heron spoonbill flamingo mallard moorhen purple swamphen black-winged stilt avocet ringed plover kentish plover grey plover little stint dunlin ruff blackwit barwit redshank greenshank Alentajo cattle egret griffon vulture (x1) black vulture (x4) sparrowhawk buzzard spanish imperial eagle (x3) golden eagle (x1) bonneli's eagle (x4) kestrel peregrine red-legged partridge little bustard (x4) great buzzard (x7) black-bellied sandgrouse woodpigeon collared dove little owl hoopoe calandra lark crested lark thekla lark southern grey shrike azure winged magpie tawny pipit stonechat wheatear subalpine warbler sardinian warbler raven spotless starling corn bunting Castro Marim (saltpans) (se portugal) little grebe great crested grebe black necked grebe (c10) cormorant little egret cattle egret grey heron spoonbill flamingo shelduck teal mallard black winged stilt avocet stone curlew (c18) ringed plover kentish plover grey plover sanderling littla stint dunlin ruff blackwit spotted redshank redshank greenshank green sandpiper common sandpiper turnstone med gull audouin's gull lbb gull yellow legged gull caspian tern sandwich tern hse martin redstart fan-tailed arbler willow warbler Obviously the hotel location was not very productive but the two days out were very rewarding, if somewhat tiring. (7am - 9pm) Dave & Linda |
Author: | Chris Grimshaw [ Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:40 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algarve Sept 30th - Oct 7th |
Phew makes my list of three weeks earlier look positively ordinary |
Author: | Dave Worrell [ Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:59 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algarve Sept 30th - Oct 7th |
Without Simon's help I would have managed about 25. The Spanish Imperial and Golden Eagles were the highlight. We waited in the heat for about an hour and then everything kicked off at once with excellent close views of both. Dave |
Author: | Freddy Johnson [ Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:08 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Algarve Sept 30th - Oct 7th |
Dave, I remember you had a memorable trip to the Altentajo about the same time my wife and I were in the Algarve (Vilamoura) in May-June 2009, were also then with Simon Wates. Your latest lists show how important it is to get the services of a birder with 'local knowledge' for a day or two if at all possible. We did just that on our trip to Hotel Punto Umbria on the Spanish-Portuguese border in June 2008 and never regretted it.....our bird list just grew and grew. Freddy |
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