Just notice this on the BOU blog see
http://newsbou.blogspot.com/Changes to Category A of the British List A joint BOURC and BBRC announcement - 22nd July (so old(ish) news)
Yellow-nosed Albatross Thalassarche chlororhynchosImmature, Brean, Somerset, 29-30 June 2007; same, Manton, near Messingham Lincolnshire, 2-3 July.
There are two populations of Yellow-nosed Albatross: Atlantic chlororhynchos which is found mainly in the south Atlantic, and Indian bassi which is found mainly in the south-east Indian Ocean.
The bird in Somerset was taken into captivity, and the close-up photographs enabled it to be identified on the basis of the bill pattern and culminicorn shape as Atlantic chlororhynchos, which has also occurred in Norway (on 13 April 1994) and had accumulated 18 records along the Atlantic coast of North America by 1981. Further records would not be surprising, though excellent views and preferably photographs are likely to be required to establish which taxon is involved.
The taxonomy of the
Thalassarche albatrosses is currently under review by the BOURC's Taxonomic Sub-committee (TSC).
It should be placed after Black-browed Albatross
Thalassarche melanophris on the British List.
Andrew Chick Website: