Grantham Peregrine Project 2011I am pleased to announce the return of the Lincolnshire Bird Club Peregrine Webcam, showing live images from the Peregrine nest site at St Wulfram's Church, Grantham.
The webcam is NOW showing live pictures at although we don’t expect the birds to start using the tray for at least another month, BUT if anyone happens to see the bird on the tray, then please let us know!
So, fingers crossed, that they will use the nest site in 2011!
Finally, we have a breeding barn owl site, with a camera already installed, but the NOT the extra kit (video server) to run it simultaneously with the Peregrine Webcam. Last year we moved the video server after the Peregrine’s had fledged, in mid-June. An additional video server will cost the £150, so if anyone can suggest a potential sponsor, I would consider running both at the same time? Please get in touch at
Andrew Chick Website: