The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Louth Peregrines
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Author:  John Clarkson [ Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Louth Peregrines

A pair of Peregrines has taken up residence on Louth St James Church and has been roosting at the site for at least two weeks with birds being seen regularly throughout the day, often displaying and calling. Geoff Mullett, Phil Espin and I have been monitoring their behavior and attendance. It became apparent that they may be attempting to breed. This presented an immediate problem as visitor access to the tower was due to start this Saturday, 28th March. I contacted Bob Sheppard to discuss what might best be done and he in turn spoke to Nick Brown, the vicar. The upshot was that Bob came to Louth this morning to assess the site and he, along with the vicar, church warden Robert Haynes and me, ascended the 197 steps to the top of the tower. There is no gravel or debris the Peregrines could use to nest on at this level so it seemed unlikely that they would breed here. There was plenty of evidence of there presence with parts of Woodcock, Lapwing, Golden Plover, Oystercatcher, pigeon sp and Starling littering the area.

We returned to street level where we were joined by church warden John Troughton and discussed how to proceed. The options were to continue as normal and ignore the Peregrines and allow visitor access – perfectly reasonable as there was no clear evidence of nesting. The alternative would be pro-active and enable the Peregrines to breed. This would be inconvenient to visitors who travel some distance to take in the view from the tower and would result in a significant loss of income for St James. However, I am delighted to say that the latter course of action was agreed.

At 3pm Bob, Robert, Geoff Mullet and I returned and carried bags of gravel, a tray and a CCTV camera – all provided by Robert – up to the top of the tower and installed them. If they go ahead and breed I hope that the birds will attract visitors who will be generous in helping recompense St James for their loss of income.

I would like to thank all concerned, and especially the St James staff, for their time and their generous and positive attitude.

Geoff has informed me that the Peregrines returned to the site at 17:50.


Author:  Phil Espin [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

Respect John & Geoff, carrying sacks of gravel up 197 steps is not an easy task. Thanks to Bob too for using his expertise and diplomacy in such an effective way. Lets hope the Peregrine's and the church both benefit from this symbiosis.

Author:  Geoff Mullett [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

News today is very promising!

Geoff (whose legs still ache!)

Author:  Richard Pipe [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

we'll done to all concerned


Author:  John Clarkson [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

Today the Peregrines found the tray and have excavated a depression in the gravel presumably in preparation for egg laying

Author:  Phil Espin [ Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

The church is now open to the public from 10.30 to 4 Mon to Sat and the webcam is up and running. Just had a look at 10.30 and there are no eggs yet. One bird was perched on the outside base of the walkway on the north side, immediately adjacent to the nest tray.

Author:  Geoff Mullett [ Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

Single bird viewed occasionally today, currently roosting on the east face of the tower. Nothing on the nest tray.


Author:  Geoff Mullett [ Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

Not much change over the past couple of days. One, sometimes two birds on the tower. No change at the nest tray.


Author:  Geoff Mullett [ Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

Church volunteer reports that the female was on the nest tray at 13.15 yesterday. No eggs yet, perhaps waiting for Easter Sunday!
Pair just landed on the spire with much calling, perhaps to ward off a sparrowhawk that was circling the church.


13.30. Just viewed the TV screen in the church, where a small crowd had gathered to watch both birds on the nest tray. Female was shuffling around in the gravel. Both gone now, but signs are really positive. Even the church volunteers are excited!


4 April – both birds have been seen via the TV to be on the tray today, and are currently (16.17) perched on the spire. Also seen yesterday when the female was "scraping furiously" in the nest tray.


Author:  Geoff Mullett [ Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

Female has been on nest tray at intervals over the past few days. Last seen (and videoed via the TV screen) at 08.30 today. Also seen to do a food-pass around 13.15


Author:  Geoff Mullett [ Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

Just an update: One and/or two birds have been recorded on the nest tray every day, sometimes several times a day, but the magic egg has yet to appear.
Church volunteers are pleased with the extra footfall into the church to view the screen, even though it hasn't been advertised outside of birding circles; could do with TV or press being informed.


Author:  Geoff Mullett [ Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

A further update for those who haven't heard - the pair are incubating 3 eggs, the last thought to have been laid on Sunday 19 April. There are times when the pair take to the air for up to an hour, but mostly one can be seen on the TV screen next to the church's coffee shop. First chick expected 3rd week of May.


Author:  Geoff Mullett [ Tue May 12, 2015 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

Short update. Female still on eggs, but the male has not been seen or heard since last Tuesday, when a kill was noisily brought in. Female left eggs for over 4 hours last Saturday, but has been in attendance most of the time since.

The church has been extensively watched over the past few days and there has been no sighting of two birds at any one time.


Author:  Geoff Mullett [ Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Louth Peregrines

A belated update - 3 chicks due to be ringed this week. All well-fed by both adults.


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