Thanks Geoff - I'm not certain that I can make the AGM myself, but at least I am now in a
position to table the amendment in writing, then notify Phil, the chairman.
Then it will be up to the collective judgement of those in attendance whether it is approved.
LBC's forum is potentially the Rolls Royce of bird websites, but even a Rolls Royce needs fuel. At present, the number of members who contribute posts is too small for it to be lively, informative, controversial even.
What is the point of having a website some of whose sections risk becoming semi-dormant? How can that be fair to the enterprising people who originally went to the time and effort of setting it up?
If anyone is worried about it being hijacked by those wanting to bang the drum for a commercial interest, let's have a separate section entitled "Trade Announcements" - or offer them the option of of paying to sponsor sections or place banner advertising, thus generating revenue for the club.
For those worried about trolls/ spams/ abusers, let's have faith in the Moderators who already do a good and conscientious job.
I am surprised that some of those opposed to the amendment prefer to stare into the rear-view mirror rather than look to the future.
Let's not have a parochial, introspective site. Let's have one that is forward-looking, dynamic and willing to embrace the whole birding world!