The Lincolnshire Bird Club

15 Months On...... my List of species Seen.....
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Author:  Katherine Birkett [ Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  15 Months On...... my List of species Seen.....

Not sure if this is the right place for this but thought you might like to see my birdwatching species list 15 months on since my first trips to Freiston etc......

1. Red-throated Diver
2. Little Grebe
3. Great Crested Grebe
4. Fulmar
5. Gannet
6. Cormorant
7. Shag
8. Little Egret
9. Grey Heron
10. Mute Swan
11. Whooper Swan
12. Bewick’s Swan
13. Bean Goose
14. Greylag Goose
15. Canada Goose
16. Barnacle Goose
17. Brent Goose
18. Shelduck
19. Mallard
20. Gadwall
21. Pintail
22. Shoveler
23. Wigeon
24. Teal
25. Pochard
26. Tufted Duck
27. Eider
28. Common Scoter
29. Goldeneye
30. Osprey
31. Golden Eagle
32. Red Kite
33. Marsh Harrier
34. Hen Harrier
35. Montagu’s Harrier
36. Buzzard
37. Sparrowhawk
38. Kestrel
39. Peregrine
40. Merlin
41. Grey Partridge
42. Pheasant
43. Moorhen
44. Coot
45. Oystercatcher
46. Avocet
47. Ringed Plover
48. Grey Plover
49. Golden Plover
50. Lapwing
51. Knot
52. Sanderling
53. Dunlin
54. Little Stint
55. Turnstone
56. Green Sandpiper
57. Redshank
58. Spotted Redshank
59. Greenshank
60. Black-tailed Godwit
61. Bar-tailed Godwit
62. Curlew
63. Snipe
64. Ruff
65. Great Skua
66. Arctic Skua
67. Black-headed Gull
68. Common Gull
69. Herring Gull
70. Lesser Black-backed Gull
71. Great Black-backed Gull
72. Little Gull
73. Kittiwake
74. Little Tern
75. Common Tern
76. Puffin
77. Black Guillemot
78. Guillemot
79. Razorbill
80. Rock Dove
81. Woodpigeon
82. Collared Dove
83. Tawny Owl
84. Short-eared Owl
85. Little Owl
86. Barn Owl
87. Swift
88. Skylark
89. Sand Martin
90. Swallow
91. House Martin
92. Rock Pipit
93. Meadow Pipit
94. Pied Wagtail
95. Wren
96. Dipper
97. Hedge Accentor (Dunnock)
98. Robin
99. Wheatear
100. Stonechat
101. Song Thrush
102. Mistle Thrush
103. Blackbird
104. Sedge Warbler
105. Cetti’s Warbler
106. Willow Warbler
107. Chiffchaff
108. Goldcrest
109. Great Tit
110. Coal Tit
111. Blue Tit
112. Marsh / Willow Tit
113. Magpie
114. Chough
115. Jackdaw
116. Rook
117. Carrion Crow
118. Hooded Crow
119. Starling
120. House Sparrow
121. Tree Sparrow
122. Chaffinch
123. Linnet
124. Goldfinch
125. Greenfinch
126. Reed Bunting
127. Yellowhammer
128. Lapland Bunting
129. Corn Bunting


Author:  Libby Hood-Phipps [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

WOW!!! :o :shock:
I've never counted up all the species I've seen, I'll have to get on to it!

Author:  Chris Grimshaw [ Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lucky you. There is a few there that I haven't seen

By the way willow and marsh tits are different birds so you have one more than you think

Author:  Katherine Birkett [ Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Chris Grimshaw wrote:
Lucky you. There is a few there that I haven't seen

By the way willow and marsh tits are different birds so you have one more than you think

It's not that - I still can't make my mind up which one it was - It was definitely a B/W tit, I know they are different birds but I am not sure which one it was!

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