The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Lincs Green Birding 2007
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Author:  John Clarkson [ Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Lincs Green Birding 2007

Here are the final totals for the year. Congratulations to all who had a go at this. I hope that all who took part enjoyed the experience and realised how good local birding can be without recourse to a car. Edmund's achievement is tremendous. The highest total for a Lincs year is about 240. To get within a stone's throw of that on a bike is remarkable. I'll ask Andrew to place the complete lists on the website so that they can be viewed. In 2008 I'm sure that some will be keen to keep adding to their Lincs Green Lists and that we would like to hear of those achievements on this forum


Lincs 2007 green league 31st Dec

Pos Name Total

1 Edmund Mackrill 233
2 Kev Wison 214
3 Nige Lound 210
4 Barry Clarkson 205
5 John Walker 204
6 Andy Sims 189
7 Phil Espin 171
8 Rob Watson 165
9 John Clarkson 164
10 Paul French 154
11 Mike Tarrant 147
12 Colin Spence 137
13 John Badley 134
14 Wayne Gilliat 121
15 Phil Hyde 119
16 Andrew Chick 91
17 Mark Martin 71
18 Bob Halliday 55

Author:  John Walker [ Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  greenlist

It would be interesting to see the total combined number of species
seen by the green listers if possible? i,m guessing it could be over
250 , John.

Author:  John Clarkson [ Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

In fact it was 256 BOU species. Surprising omissions were Bean Goose, Mandarin, Bluethroat and only one person recorded Pallas's Warbler. I've asked Andrew to make these data available on the site.


Author:  Andrew Chick [ Sun Jan 13, 2008 9:50 pm ]
Post subject: 


The excel spreadsheet can be seen at - ... 202007.xls

I would like to thank John for all the effort he went to in running the Lincs Green List 2007 - it was a great idea!

I have already started my 2008 list.......and I am hoping to break the 100 barrier this year.

Best Wishes


Author:  John Walker [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes thanks John, and Andy for starting and running the green listing,
it certainly got me out birding more on my local area. John.

Author:  Edmund Mackrill [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll second that. Even though there were some aweful days, long hard rides and dipped birds, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Long forgotten ID skills were dragged creakingly out of my gray matter and brought up to date. Even though it should not have been a competition one did develop( both intra- and interpersonal ) but I don't think that has mattered. A warm and friendly, virtually instantaneous, text/phone service rapidly developed and not many species evaded somebody's binoculars for very long. Hopefully many Lincolnshire birdwatchers have been prompted to look more closely at the possibilities of life without/beyond the internal combustion engine and, dare I say it, even buy a bicycle!!
Yes, John and Andy - thanks alot.

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