The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Lincolnshire Bird Club AGM - Tuesday March 25th 2008
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Author:  Andrew Chick [ Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Lincolnshire Bird Club AGM - Tuesday March 25th 2008

Lincolnshire Bird Club
AGM - 7.30pm Tuesday March 25th 2008
The Admiral Rodney, Horncastle
'The birds of Mato Grosso, Brazil: biogeography and conservation prospects'by Alexander Lees
followed by the AGM

More information to follow

Author:  John T Goy [ Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lincolnshire Bird Club AGM - Tuesday March 25th 2008

achick wrote:
Lincolnshire Bird Club
AGM - 7.30pm Tuesday March 25th 2008
The Admiral Rodney, Horncastle
Effects of Deforestation on Amazonian Birds
by Alexander Lees
followed by the AGM

More information to follow

Why can't the AGM be in the daytime at a weekend? I don't particulary like driving along unlit country roads at night. Especially when it's a good way from home.

It would have been interesting to know what happens and to make use of my vote. I can always ask to see the minutes can't I.

I'd be interested to know how many of the forum members actually took up membership of the LBC. Having just looked I see the membership of the forum now stands at 248.


Author:  Andrew Chick [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Admiral Rodney, Horncastle
at 7.30pm on Tuesday, March 25th 2008
for a talk on the

'The Birds of Mato Grosso, Brazil: biogeography and conservation prospects'

By Alexander Lees

Alexander lived in Foston (north of Grantham) between 1997-1998 and still returns on a fairly regular basis, he patched Marston STW for much of this time and went ringing with Gordon Priestley and Alan Ball. He is now a postgraduate researcher at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.

In 2007 he spent a month on the Rio Jurua, Amazonas State, Brazilian Amazon, based at REDE Bauana Field-station conducting avifaunal inventories in terra firme and varzea forests, and from 2004-2006 he spent 14 months on independent PhD fieldwork in the Brazilian Amazon in Mato Grosso and Pará states, surveying birds, large mammals and floristic structure in forest fragments, riparian forest corridors and the non-forest matrix.

The talk will be followed by the Annual General Meeting (members only)


1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the previous AGM and Matters arising from the Minutes
3. Hon Chairwoman’s Address
4 Presentation of the Accounts
5. Reports from the Officers
6. Election of Officers and Committee Members1
7. Election of Auditor2
8 Any other motions previously notified in writing or via email3
9 Any other business


1.The following officers and committee members are due to retire at this AGM, and all are available for re-election (current post-holders given in brackets): Hon Chair (Anne Goodall), Hon Secretary (Janet Eastmead), Hon Treasurer (Andrew Malkinson), Hon Membership Secretary (Mike Harrison), ordinary members (Ian Nixon, Bill Sterling). Additional proposals for these positions, which must be for a paid-up member, duly seconded and including confirmation that the member proposed is prepared to serve, must be received by the Hon Sec on or before 24 March 2007.

2.The committee proposes that Ms Wendy Beasley be elected as auditor for the calendar year 2008.

3.Motions for debate, which must be proposed and seconded by paid-up members, must be received by the Hon Sec on or before 24 March 2007.

Author:  Andrew Chick [ Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:12 am ]
Post subject: 



Author:  John T Goy [ Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll be staying home...

Author:  Andrew Chick [ Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

For people who didn't attend last nights AGM, this is a copy of the 'Website report'

Website Report: Forum Changes

Firstly, all the decisions and changes that have occurred over the past year have been a committee decision and not one taken by myself or any other individal. The committee in turn has taken certain decisions in response to concerns expressed by members at the last two AGMs, culminating last year in a majority vote for this action.

Forum Records

For the last complete year the forum received and inputted approximately 46,000 records to the LBC Database. These records came from a very wide range of sources in and out of the county. Some of these records, including some of the more significant one came from the website, and we know that not all of these contributors are members. We would hope that those who aren't members will join but we accept that not all will, and we really don't want to lose this input.

Non-members can continue to post messages simply by mailing their contributions to the webmaster and/or using the submit button on the website. This happens now with those who have never opted to join the Forum and there is usually only a short period before the posting is on the Forum. There is no charge for this and no intention of levying one.

There are however two costs borne by the Club for the website. Firstly, there is an annual hosting fee (domain name and hosting fee), which comes out of Club funds and is therefore paid by LBC members, whether they ever visit, or indeed have access to the site, or not. Secondly, there is the fact that our reputation is closely tied to the website, and whilst we are all basically very proud of it, you will be aware that there have been occasions when postings have come very close to bringing the Club disrepute. Our administrators have become steadily faster and more resolute in removing these postings and its now rare that we receive an external complaint about the Forum, but as the last AGM showed, there are Club members who want nothing to do with these views. The committee was therefore asked by members to take action to bring the site under closer control, and this is what we have done.

It is sad for all of us that just a few people have abused their membership of the forum, but since our members have pointed out that they are not happy with the situation, we have to respond to that. It is, after all, their website. We are looking into ways that forum membership could be offered to members of other bird clubs (especially those with whom we have reciprocal data-sharing arrangements) which I hope also shows that we value all these links. The present situation is by no means fixed and I expect the way the forum function and operates will in future change.

I hope you feel that this has explained the rationale behind changes to the forum over the past year, and that you will be happy with the changes made.

When I set up the Forum its main aim was to encourage accurate reporting of Birds in Lincolnshire. However, I also set it up as a means of communication between birders/birdwatchers in Lincolnshire. I hope to some degree that both of these have been achieved. I personally like the good humoured banter that occasionally occurs on the Forum, and feel that the Forum is a better place for it. However, I also accept that sometime a degree of moderation is required to keep the system running.

Finally I would like to thank the admin team who help keep the forum running, and on the straight and narrow....

Andrew Chick

Author:  Freddy Johnson [ Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

I didn't have the opportunity to thank Alex personally on Tuesday evening for his excellent and informative talk, so I am posting a "thank you" now. I have never been to Amazonia but, given continuing good health and with today's travel facilities, it is still possible that I can make the trip. In the meantime, Alex's talk and the supporting photographs of birds, habitats and specific areas certainly gave me, and I'm sure all those present who haven't been there,a taster of what would lie in store. The sheer numbers of bird species is breath-taking, plus the additional interest one would enjoy in the area's mammals, plant-life and butterflies.
I was particularly impressed by Alex's total grasp of scientific facts, figures,etc. so that not only was his talk interesting and entertaining but authoritative as well.
Thank you once again, Alex, for Tuesday's presentation (I also believe you made a special journey from Norwich to be with us.)
With best wishes in the successful completion of your PhD work.



Author:  Paul French [ Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd like to echo Freddy's comments about Alex's talk. Lots of big words, but very informative and interesting. I'm also glad that it was held on a weekday evening. I'm generally far too busy birding or working to get anywhere on a weekend!

Author:  Stuart Britton [ Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you, Andrew for your exhaustive explanation re the changes to the Forum. I also fully agree with Freddie and Pauls comments. I'm sure we'll be seeing Alex's name in connection with ornithological science for many years to come.

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