I do understand that and that may be a main reason why people aren't commenting on this thread but what I am trying to achieve from this topic is if any lincs birders do want to get together and have a chat about ospreys in Lincolnshire. I did mention this in my previous post, the idea of a group of people coming together and talking about this in person and getting advice from other who have succeded at this may appeal to more people. This is just a topic to try get lincs birders talking about it. I'm not saying we are going to go through with this any time soon i'm not even saying this could happen chances are it won't. I just want others to bare in mind that Lincolnshire does have the the potential to make this happen.
http://anthonybentleywildlifephotography.blogspot.com/UK life list 310 (Harlequin Duck)
Lincolnshire List 246 (Puffin)
Village (Brigsley) list 99 (Shelduck)
Thanks Anthony