I take my ex-library hardback copy of the “Collins Bird Guide” with me virtually everywhere I go, even if I am not bird watching, though it is soon to be demoted by a new copy of the 2nd edition, as of Christmas day (if I have played my cards right with Father Christmas!) but I find an easily accessible pocket guide book absolutely invaluable. I am eagerly anticipating the release of the “Collins British Bird Guide (Collins Pocket Guide)” in April 2016 but wondered whether there is a better pocket guide book available currently than the one that I am using. I have had a fair few (giving most away, finding them not very helpful in the field) and definitely prefer the illustrated versions, rather than the guides using photos for reference. I have the RSPB “Pocket Birds of Britain and Europe” but the one that I currently favor is “The Birdwatcher’s Pocket Guide to Britain and Europe” (Hayman & Hume). Any recommendations would be very much appreciated.