well common sense prevails ( re stuart ) !! i would love to think so, political off cause it is. the 3 year survey come study goes ahead, ( parameters set by the minister ). i am led to believe he allegedly has a 20000 acre estate somewhere south. monkey in charge of the nuts comes to mind. the statement reads i believe the law as it stands prohibits all destruction and persecution of buzzards, hmm as it stands, cart and horse can drive through that, who makes and amends laws. the majority of farmers and the landed gentry do an excellent job for conservation but everywhere you see artificial pheasant feeders it is bad news for native wildlife. the continued excesses of the minority bring disrepute upon them all, eg 220 woodcock in a day shot at skeggy area reported by ed mackrel. 76% of gamekeepers believe buzzards and birds of prey need to be controlled to protect pheasants at organised shoots. the mass release of hand reared pheasants and partridge has i believed been banned in denmark i think, because of the detrimental effect on the native wildlife, these mass releases are for maximizing profit for very often absent estate owners. all this to protect an
alien species, where is defras even handed policy re the ruddy duck ???. who is there to protect our wildlife instead of the kill maim and slaughter policies that are practiced throughout our land with people who are convinced it is there god given right to do these things, but the thing that really bothers me is WHY ??????. I AM AT A COMPLETE LOSS TO FIND AN ANSWER !!!!. the whole thing completely confuses me, you go to all the trouble of rearing 100s of alien pheasants then let them go, then people come along and pay to kill them and also want to destroy our native wildlife to allow this cycle to continue and to ensure only people who pay can kill them. i think i must be mad because i cannot see the logic behind it. these people who organize this system wield enormous influence in ministers ears and i dare say 75% plus are tory supporters because they are more likely to let this system continue.
terry whalin