Some people on here need to stop being so precious, Mr B's comments were brusque, which if you bird with him, you know is his character
. However, he is generous with his time and extremely helpful when you need it.
The comment from Mr. W was unnecessary, as there was obviously no attempt to 'suppress' the whereabouts of the Snow Bunts. Derrick just asked if they were in the usual place, which most local birders will know, rather than wasting time typing the full position.
Having myself upset certain members with my comments, I know how easy it is to rub up people the wrong way.
The members of this forum cover all aspects of humanity, birding knowledge and temperament. There isn't a need to set up the LBC Independence Brigade, just learn that everybody isn't the same.
As it stands, i can't see much longevity in the forum as so many sightings are not being reported on here, especially by birders who prefer to use their blogs / twitter feeds to inform.
Yours stepping on toes