The Lincolnshire Bird Club

What is your...
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Author:  John T Goy [ Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  What is your...

James just given me an idea. He asks what is your easiest/best bird well I'm asking what is your easiest/best anything wildlife in the UK, this should hopefully get plenty of takers, he said with tongue firmly in cheek [-o<

I'll start it with Pine Marten ( which I am reliably informed but I am maybe wrong some of the well known wildlife people have never seen). Before 2008 I'd never seen one and I've never seen any since. But was extremely lucky to have them come to the door and windows of the cottage we stayed - at our feet/hands and further away sometimes every night while on holiday in the Highlands in Scotland. For both of us this was and still is the best sighting ever :!: =D> =D> =D> =D> :D :D

I've got some more but I'll give others a chance to dazzle us.



PS: don't be shy

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