I am one of the most vociferous in the wish to have a Frampton of the North based on Tetney but unfortunately it's not going to happen for quite a few reasons.
I will leave others to consider the actual scientific factors behind the SSSI status but I understand that the presence of a very rare shrimp or such would prevent disturbance of much of the site. As a result English Nature would be a very hard body to deal with in obtaining permission to do as little as put a shovel into the ground let alone carry out major works.
There are several other factors to be taken into account including ownership of the actual land, lack of suitable access and difficulty of creating a varied habitat. I understand that much of the land is owned by colleges from down south and its doubtful that they would sell at all, let alone at a reasonable price. Same too applies to the farmers that own/work the land that would be required to develop alternative habitats and also improve access and car parking.
I am pretty sure that there would also be issues from the Wildfowlers if increased public access to the marshes was proposed.
Am sure that there are other negative factors that I have missed out but one final one I do have is how long do we realistically think any hides would last before they were trashed by the local heathens?
I suppose our best hope would be for much better signage and areas being fenced off to prevent human and canine disturbance. Oh and a gun emplacement to take out drones, microlights & paragliders!!
In addition development and management of the reclamation at Cote Donna would go some way to making a half decent reserve.
Yours sadly realistic