The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Return of the Finches
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Author:  Bernard Dodd [ Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Return of the Finches

First Goldfinches and Greenfinches on Wednesday for 3 years in my garden, plus first ever cock Chaffinch seen here on Tuesday in magnificent colours.
Where have they been? I have put the same food out ever since I came to live here over 5 years ago.
Why suddenly have they re-appeared in the space of two days and are now daily visitors again?
Any suggestions or thoughts?

Author:  John T Goy [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Return of the Finches

Bernard Dodd wrote:
First Goldfinches and Greenfinches on Wednesday for 3 years in my garden, plus first ever cock Chaffinch seen here on Tuesday in magnificent colours.
Where have they been? I have put the same food out ever since I came to live here over 5 years ago.
Why suddenly have they re-appeared in the space of two days and are now daily visitors again?
Any suggestions or thoughts?

Hello Bernard,

Both Goldfinches, Greenfinches and Chaffinches are regulars in my garden but sometimes the two latter don't come for a few days at a time, not sure why. Maybe they are like humans they need a change now and then. I know that doesn't answer your questions. It could be wherever they have been going the food has disappeared, ie the people have flitted or gone away or just stopped for no reason.


Author:  Bernard Dodd [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Return of the Finches

Thanks John, I would never have thought of that.
When I moved to Cleethorpes they came to my garden almost immediately then the people next door moved in with two cats and all we got was the odd blackbird and sparrows.
Next door moved last year but still no more finches until this week, as you say, the birds may again have lost a feeding place and now returned to me.
So nice to see them again

Author:  John T Goy [ Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Return of the Finches

Speaking from my own experience I don't believe that birds are put off visiting gardens because of cats. Yesterday I counted six different cats pass through my garden during the day. The birds at feeders and elsewhere flew away and promptly returned when the cat/s had gone. But how do they know when to return, is one of them on sentry duty somewhere in the garden or is it down to luck :wink:

For years the only birds that visited were small, just lately two pair of Wood Pigeon come every day, could it because they are almost the same size as the cats they are acting as a deterent :wink:

Keep us updated.


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