The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Scotton... : 10.06
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Author:  John T Goy [ Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Scotton... : 10.06

On way home from college yesterday stopped off at the above reserve, usually I park close by and scan the fields and woods, if I had done all I'd have seen was a few Swift.

On entering the reserve I was hoping to see quite a few butterflies etc. How wrong I was, there were no butterflies anywhere :( Scanned both fields including the one that as the BULL sign up, but nothing except a few Hebridean sheep, no sign of the bull, was I going in it's field, no way :!:

Had a look for lizard but no chance. Heard a Blackcap and Robin but saw no birds. Had a wander round and saw a brown slug on a log :) so took a photo, not found out what it is yet, maybe a Dusky Slug maybe not.

Left disappointed and stopped at Dallison's for a while. Took a few landscape shots nothing else there except a Grey Squirrel running for cover. Checked out the logs for sign of life but only flies.

Then drove towards Laughton and had a slow drive along the B-road towards the turning for Susworth. Stopped a little way along the road and saw two Chaffinch :shock: Could this have been the start of birds coming in to view, NO.

Turned down Black Bank in the hope of seeing at least a raptor, all I saw was three Swift and two Black-headed Gull. Then took left turning opposite the farm, surely I'd see something down here, I did a single Wood Pigeon and a Swallow :!:

Although I didn't see much the drive home was enjoyable as always.


Max/John :wink:

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