The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Poyser Publications.....
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Author:  Katherine Birkett [ Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Poyser Publications.....

Is it just me, or does anyone else get an exicted frisson of shuddering when they go to a specialist wildlife bookshop or shop on a large reserve and see a selection of Poyser Monographs and their other books?

To me, they're almost in a way, pornographic (orni-porn?), or the sole Red-flanked Bluetail amongst a plethora of House Sparrows...... :mrgreen:

I aspire to one day winning a lot of money and getting their entire back catalogue!

Author:  Roger Hebb [ Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poyser Publications.....

I have a few poyser monographs katherine,i collect antiquarian books(on all subjects),my oldest being two books fron the 1600"s,quite a few from the 1700s and many from the 1800s,including Yarrels set of birds-3 vols,1800s and 2 volumes of Buffons birds 1793 all with full paged plates,plus a gentlemans magazine volume for year 1753 with colour plates in of lizrads flowers/birds etc-recently i bought the yorkshire bird reports a set which includes all the annual bird reports from 1940 to 1985-,so iincidently if anyone needs info on any birds recorded in that time span for yorks send a post or pm-hope your mouth s not watering too much katherine-if you lived nearby you could have come and looked at them!!
cheers for now.

Author:  Katherine Birkett [ Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Poyser Publications.....

Roger Hebb wrote:
I have a few poyser monographs katherine,i collect antiquarian books(on all subjects),my oldest being two books fron the 1600"s,quite a few from the 1700s and many from the 1800s,including Yarrels set of birds-3 vols,1800s and 2 volumes of Buffons birds 1793 all with full paged plates,plus a gentlemans magazine volume for year 1753 with colour plates in of lizrads flowers/birds etc-recently i bought the yorkshire bird reports a set which includes all the annual bird reports from 1940 to 1985-,so iincidently if anyone needs info on any birds recorded in that time span for yorks send a post or pm-hope your mouth s not watering too much katherine-if you lived nearby you could have come and looked at them!!
cheers for now.

** Is looking at her acquired-at-the-Birdfair Poyser Monographs 'Weather and Bird Behaviour' and 'The Barn Owl' and is purring with satisfaction **


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