The Lincolnshire Bird Club

LBC Members' Blogs
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Author:  Freddy Johnson [ Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  LBC Members' Blogs

Recently, personal weblogs (=blogs) put on the web by LBC members have been criticised on this forum as being 'tedious', 'pure bragging' and essentially constituting an ego trip. Perhaps being past the age of naked competitive envy, I would beg to differ.
I consider it a privilege to browse these bird and general Natural History sites and believe them to be a most useful adjunct to the LBC forum. If one "can frankly do without them", why access them in the first place for heaven's sake? .....and then complain in the manner of 'outraged,Tunbridge Wells (or Scunthorpe).' That attitude reminds me of the old maid who,every evening, if she balanced precariously on her bathroom stool and craned her neck dangerously out of her bathroom window , could just about see the man in the neighbouring house in his pants and vest as he changed from his work clothes ..... and then she wrote to the local Council about this exhibitionist pervert living next door to her. So, if you don't want to be outraged, don't look.
To produce a successful illustrated Natural History blog takes a great deal of commitment, knowledge and subject-skill let alone the endless hours spent in the field. I think ALL our LBC bloggers can be congratulated and thanked for letting us share their most memorable moments relating to our common hobby.



Author:  Stephen Routledge [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LBC Members' Blogs

Well said Freddy,the quality of the photographs these lads produce are top class :D .



Author:  John T Goy [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LBC Members' Blogs

Stephen Routledge wrote:
Well said Freddy,the quality of the photographs these lads produce are top class :D .



Some of these lads in question have top notch gear [which some of us can only dream about] so I would have thought their work should be top class!



Author:  Nick Clayton [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LBC Members' Blogs

Just because you have top notch gear John doesn’t necessarily mean you will take good photos. The factors which are more important are such things as knowledge of your quarry, patience, composition, stalking techniques, field craft etc.


Author:  Roger Hebb [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LBC Members' Blogs

Hi freddy,
forgive me,butyou do talk rather silly in your efforts to get your point across!!(victorian lady analogy etc)-ive looked once at a certain birders blog and then only invited to by him to someone else on a thread in the forum,its full of ego tripping,its not my bag.i did however state Freddy if other people derive enjoyment from it -so be it-just not my scene.thou some photo"s are very good and interesting.i will add that.

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