The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Fresh air and all that... : 20.02
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Author:  John T Goy [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Fresh air and all that... : 20.02

Hadn't been out watching for almost five weeks doesn't time pass when you don't notice :wink:

Decided it was time to get out the house or I'd go bonkers :wink: Took a pals flask back after saying I would take it back two months ago [it's a long story] so dropped that off in Winterton. Then drove to Appleby Carrs in the hope of a Marsh Harrier but had to make do with three Mallard and two Blackbird :wink: then went to Keb Wood.

It turned out to be worthwhile as I was driving down the track two Roe Deer came in front of me, of course I'd forgotten the camera [ when going out regular we tend to remember evrything] and we both tried to stare each other out, they won :wink: Then went and parked in usual spot and hoped I'd see some Brambling, like last year. I'd taken a flask of coffee and a few choc bars to keep my strength up :wink:

All I had for company was freight and passenger trains for the most part. Later a couple of dog walkers and a low flying aircraft that seemed to skim the trees :wink: but I expect was much higher. I was beginning to think the birds were not going to come out but they did eventually. Nothing to write home about though a couple of Blackbirds, a Robin, Chaffinch, Kestrel, Wood Pigeon and about seventy Linnet, I tried my best for one of them to be a Brambling but to no avail :wink:

Started driving back to main road and came face to face with a forty tonner of course I got out the way :wink: the driver thanked me.

Left at quart to five and although the birds were a bit thin on the ground I'd had a really enjoyable few hours and felt better for it :D

Kind regards


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