The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Roger Goy, Sad news
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Author:  Dean Eades [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Roger Goy, Sad news

Roger Goy, has sadly passed away, WILDLIFE HELPLINE NATIONAL SERVICE. Great chap will be sadly missed


Author:  Stuart Britton [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roger Goy, Sad news

It is indeed sad news. When I took over from Jim Rance as the Education Ranger at Chambers I "inherited" Roger who lead some of the wildlife walks. He had a unique way of conveying information and knowledge and, above all, he was a real character who will be sadly missed. I hope that there is a way that the Wildline Helpline Service can be continued

Author:  Colin and Sheila Jennings [ Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roger Goy, Sad news

Posted on behalf of Richard Wheeler - Lincolnshire Echo

I'm currently putting together a tribute piece on Roger Goy following the sad news of his death. Roger spent a number of years writing a column for the Echo and was regarded as our wildlife expert. Alongside this he devoted his time to helping others and informing the public about any wildlife queries. For the article I'm looking to speak to anyone that knew Roger and would like to share their memories of him. My direct number is (01522) 804319. I'm working on the article today, for Monday's paper so any calls before 5pm would be ideal.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Richard Wheeler

Environment Reporter
Tel: (01522) 804319

Richard Wheeler

Tel: 01522 820000
Brayford Wharf East

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