I am at present finalising an itinerary for an return (autumn) trip to Murcia and the dates are confirmed as Sunday 4th September-Monday 12th September. All my trips are a relaxed affair with generous "down time" elements... in my experience most of my clients do not wish to bird every day from dawn until dusk ( although of course I always cater for those that do and my guides are always on hand around the clock should a client/s require this) so I incorporate bird watching with plenty of relaxation time or non birding experiences (eg cultural visits etc). This autumn trip to Murcia will be along those lines with more local birding (half days), with the focus on resident birds but we shall also visit areas along the coast/mountains etc for migratory birds especially raptors. As always, all activities are optional and no one is ever obliged to join in...our base in Murcia is conducive to relaxation so there's always plenty of options
Please get in touch if you are interested in joining me..thanks!