Today's Highlights:
Red Kite 1 (Distantly from the Wash Viewpoint 15:30, over the Wainfleet towers) Firecrest 1 (Still showing well around Sykes Farm) Ring Ouzel 1 (Plantation edge then south) (Adult male, per Kev Wilson) Waxwing 18 (south at 17:15, per Kev Wilson) Swallow 100+ (a steady southward passage throughout the day) House Martin 20 Sand Martin 15 Greenshank 1 (Croft Marsh) Wheatear 16 (1 visitor centre early morning, 6 south over croft marsh, 9 north end) Yellow Wagtail 7 Whimbrel 3 Jay 1 (still hanging about)
A complete clear out of thrushes and wildfowl over night