During a brief trip to King's Lynn this afternoon (6th)...
Grey Heron - 1 preening in field on the way there, and what may have been the same bird flying low over the car on the A16 near Sutterton Kestrel - 1 on wires on the A17 between Long Sutton and Gedney.
Lots of Rooks, Magpies, Carrion Crows, Collared Doves, Woodpigeons and Gulls.
Also, on a walk this evening, parents saw a Barn Owl flying over the recently-planted trees adjacent to Westgate Woods. They saw a Blackcap in the woods themselves, along with Goldfinch and Chaffinch. It seems to be attracting a greater variety of birds these days. They visited Westwood Lakes, and saw plenty of Swallows over the water.
I would have gone with them but I am hobbling around with a blistered left foot!