Very good!
Unfortunately the reported Terek did indeed turn out to be a Greenshank. In fairness to the birder in question, I think they were thrown by the manner in which it was feeding (chasing fry in a shallow pool), saw the upturned bill and they simply led themselves up the garden path a little - as can sometimes happen. The report was rung through to me in the VC as "probable Terek", I put the news out to LBC (with the caveat that people were going to look), went to look (by which point the observer had already called again to say that they didn't think it was a Terek anymore), saw a Greenshank, tweeted LBC again to say original report was wrong. No harm done really.
Anyway, also on reserve today:-
1 Glossy Ibis (Grassland)
2 Pectoral Sandpiper (North Scrape)
1 Common Sandpiper (Reedbed)
1 Green Sandpiper (Reedbed)
3 Pink-footed Goose (Grassland)
3 Wheatear (1 Saltmarsh/ 2 Grassland)
1 Peregrine (Saltmarsh)
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Merlin
1 Marsh Harrier
2 Kestrel
1 Little Stint and 2 Curlew Sandpiper were viewable on the reedbed from the VC, although there were "plenty more" of both out on the scrapes.