The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Louth Peregrine update
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Author:  Geoff Mullett [ Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Louth Peregrine update

Monthly update on pegs seen/heard at St.James, Louth.

October: Single birds, 7th & 21st. Male calling to passing female on 16th. Female eventually landed on opposite side of tower to the male!
September: Single birds, 16th, 24th, 27th
August: single 1 day (8th); pair briefly 2 days (14th, 20th)
June, July: no sightings!
May: pair briefly 1 day (25th)
April: single 1 day only (3rd)
March: single 15 days between 2nd & 27th. Pair 1 day (17th.)
February: single 2 days (16th, 19th), pair 2 days (17th, 24th). The pair were seen to do aerobatics around the spire on the 17th.
January: single 1 day (20th), pair 1 day (4th)

December: single 1 day, pair 1 day (2nd)
November: single 2 days, pair 1 day (5th)
October: single 11 days


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