The Lincolnshire Bird Club

witham st hughes Waxwings
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Author:  Russell Hayes [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  witham st hughes Waxwings

100 present near roundabout 10:00 am

Author:  Andy Sims [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: witham st hughes Waxwings

Called in at Witham St Hughs this afternoon and found the flock of Waxwings feeding on Cotoneaster berries outside 9 Oak Tree Drive. After a while they all flew into the top of 2 large trees and I counted a minimum of 114 birds. They soon flew off and I could not relocate them.

Author:  Chris Grimshaw [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: witham st hughes Waxwings

I too went down to Witham St Hughes after seeing Russell's post. Initially I counted 63 birds just the Thurlby side of the village roundabout. They were joined by another flock about the same size but were scared off by a large red van. They flew off towards Thurlby pit and couldn't be relocated. When I left to return home I noted presumably the same flock roughly 120 strong by the A46 roundabout just after 15.00. They did cross the A46 towards Swinderby but there is enough berries at Witham St Hughes to attract them back for a few days yet

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