The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Rimac 6th Jan 2013
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Author:  John Clarkson [ Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Rimac 6th Jan 2013

On the salt marsh
5 Whooper Swans (2ad, 3juv) one of which has an unusual all black bill. See pic taken by Barry Clarkson. The bird looks smaller in the pic but to my eye in the field it was same size as the others. Comments welcomed. ... ?pid=19184
1 Jack Snipe

Also along Swallowgate Lane , Saltfleetby
25 Whooper Swans
3 Bewicks Swans


Author:  Anthony Bentley [ Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rimac 6th Jan 2013

Today, 07/01/13

31 Whooper Swan (10 Juv)
3 Bewick Swan
2 Mute Swan

The black billed bird mentioned was seen and photographed at Donna Nook on the 10th November 2012

Author:  Chris Atkin [ Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rimac 6th Jan 2013

I photographed this individual at Quad 3, Donna Nook on 10/11/12 where it was part of the wintering flock of Whoopers there. I haven't been down there since but have noticed Steve Lorand has consistently recorded the flock to at least the 17/12/12 - the flock must have now fragmented with birds moving to Rimac.
Having considered possibilities of it's identity at the time, I came to the conclusion it was a Whooper with abnormal colouration on the bill. It's size appeared to match that of the accompanying Whoopers.



Author:  Stephen Lorand [ Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rimac 6th Jan 2013

With reference to the swan with the abnormally coloured bill. I first noticed this bird on an oilseed rape field with other Whooper Swans on 8th November and it remained until 27th December. I totally agree with the comments made by Chris Atkin. I ruled out the possibility of Trumpeter Swan when I checked the literature on my return to home, as Sibley in the North American Bird Guide states that Trumpeter never shows any yellow on the bill like the restricted amount that this bird was showing. On several subsequent occasions, I noted that this bird appeared to be paired to one particular Whooper Swan. Its size and build was also identical to the other birds in the flock which usually totalled 14 birds. It may have been present earlier than the first date that I gave, as small numbers of Whoopers had been on this field since mid-October, but I only noticed it for the first time when the birds increased to 14 on 8th November. All the swans have dispersed now, unsurprisingly, since the introduction of an extreme gas gun and other bird scaring devices.

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