The Lincolnshire Bird Club

willow warbler at far Ings NNR 29th March 2014
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Author:  Andy Sharp [ Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  willow warbler at far Ings NNR 29th March 2014

Today i had the first willow warbler of this year at Far Ings. I was walking along the South path around the New Pits and came across a stock still GPC, bins cocked in the half ready position. I knew this position to mean shut up, walk slow and adopt the submissive posture. I adhered. Staring into the tangle of hedgerow he never said a word. I knew there was going to be a clue and he was not going to allow me a cheap sighting........there it was, a soft jumble of fluted notes descending to my whispered, "ah, willow warbler". Joy.

3 buzzard, 2 cetti's warbler amongst the expected.

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