Huttoft Pit 56 Whoopers, 5 Bewicks and 5 Mute Swans. Around 50 members of the flock flew south from the field behind the pit and I later relocated them on the sea about 1 km out south east from Huttoft Car Terrace at around 2 pm, Later they were also viewable to the north east from Wolla Bank Pit. Never seen wintering birds like this on the sea, anyone else seen this flock doing this?
Wolla Bank 1 male Stonechat 23 Gadwall
Gayton le Marsh 5 Whoopers, 2 Bewicks and 31 Mute Swan
Rimac I female Hen Harrier came in around 4pm, also 2 Short-eared Owls there. Spoke to Pete Roworth and these SEOs are the first seen there this winter.