The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Great Grey Shrike at Skillington, 3 miles south of Grantham
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Author:  John Badley [ Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Great Grey Shrike at Skillington, 3 miles south of Grantham

Matt Burgess, a visiting birder from Beds reports a Great Grey Shrike at Skillington about 3 miles south of Grantham on Grantham Road about 200 yards north of the village SK900262 at 10.30am. It flew across the road in front of his car before alighting on a hedge briefly, then flew back towards the village. He wasn't able to relocated it, but hopefully it's still in the area....



Author:  John Badley [ Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great Grey Shrike at Skillington, 3 miles south of Grant

Presumably this is the same as the bird Andrew Chick had at Stainby Tip on 30/01/15. It's about 3 miles north of there.


Author:  Vin Fleming [ Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Great Grey Shrike at Skillington, 3 miles south of Grant

I had a quick look round the area this afternoon - couldn't locate the bird but lots of places it could be....

5 kites and a buzzard at the tip at Stainby/Colsterworth.


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