The Lincolnshire Bird Club

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Author:  Rick Bennett [ Mon Dec 26, 2016 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Toft

This morning.
1 b n grebe
5 l grebe
19 g c grebe
1 ad male, 1 sub adult male scaup
67 tufted
19 gadwall
2 wigeon
1 shelduck
2 shoveler
9 goldeneye
31 pochard all male
1 l egret
20 fieldfare
10 redwing
about 30 grey partridge in 3 separate coveys, in fields on the approach road to the reservoir. Are they bred to release for shooting? I'd always thought only red legs suffered this fate.

Author:  Rick Bennett [ Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Toft

This morning
1 b n grebe
2 little grebe
only 5 g c grebe
3 pochard
12 goldeneye
23 gadwall
34 mixed yellowhammer/ reed bunting, mainly yellowhammer
about 40 fieldfare.
little else
Main access gate remains closed till early Feb
Cheers. Rick

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