The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Neville Wood/Nocton Fen/Bardney 2/1
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Author:  Matthew Harrison [ Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Neville Wood/Nocton Fen/Bardney 2/1

A glorious morning to be out and about, in complete contrast to yesterday. Some nice sightings for the local area.

Neville Wood

Nuthatch - 3
Marsh Tit - 4
Blue Tit - 4
Great tit - 2
Coal Tit - 2
Chaffinch -3

Wasp's Nest

Fieldfare - 110

Nocton Fen

Stonechat - 1 showing v.well
Linnet - 16
Stock Dove - 18
Buzzard - 1
Little Egret - 1
Redshank - 1
Golden Plover - 76
Lapwing - 153

Bardney Pits

Barn Owl - 1 showing very well along river bank
Fieldfare - 5
Coot - 4
Shelduck - 2
Greylag - 59
Tufted Duck - 1
Pintail - 6
Mallard - 9
Wigeon - 9
Gadwall - 38
Shoveler - 63
Teal - 150
Black- headed Gull - 12
Redshank - 1

Lock Farm Bardney. Fields north side of B1190

Whooper Swan - 48 (2 imm)
Mute Swan - 29
Snipe - 3 flushed from ditch


Author:  James Hewson [ Tue Jan 03, 2017 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Neville Wood/Nocton Fen/Bardney 2/1

A couple of hours around Neville Wood this morning produced;
Black headed gull c5
Blackbird c10
Blue tit c15
Bullfinc 2
Buzzar 2
Carrion Crow c5
Chaffinch c10
Collared dove 2
Cormorant (over) 1
Dunnock 3
Fieldfare c15
Goldfinch c10
Great tit c10
Green woodpecker 1
Grey wagtail 1
Heron 1
House sparrow c20
Jackdaw 2
Kestrel 1
Long tailed tit 1
Magpie c5
Marsh tit 2
Nuthatch 1
Pheasant 1
Redwing c30
Robin c5
Starling c10
Wood pigeon c30
Wren 1
Yellowhammer 4


Author:  Rick Bennett [ Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Neville Wood/Nocton Fen/Bardney 2/1

I counted 87 swans late yesterday afternoon. Found it impossible to count each species as several were sleeping and the rest were feeding enthusiastically, but there were a few Bewick's.
There is a feeding station at Neville wood where the road to Wasp's Nest turns sharply to the right away from the wood. There was at least 1 marsh tit visiting every few minutes.
Cheers. Rick

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