The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Messingham Barn Owls
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Author:  Mark Coome [ Wed May 24, 2017 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Messingham Barn Owls

Out for a stroll last night just off Brigg Road and after a tip off from a dog walker, I came across a beautiful barn owl hunting the fields. My joy was increased when a second barn owl joined in the hunt. As a relatively new birder this was awesome to watch as the sun went down. In a nearby field there were also 200 greylag geese and 26 canada geese. Two cuckoos were heard as well although not sighted.

Author:  Mark Coome [ Thu May 25, 2017 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

Both owls visible last night and hunting a wide area. Distance views, but still magical.

Author:  Mark Coome [ Tue May 30, 2017 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

Even more magic tonight. I had 2 barn owls in view through my bins when another barn owl flew in from my left. Couldn't believe it...3 barnies all at once. Throw in 3 kestrels, a buzzard, 5 red legged partridge, 2 curlews and a fox and it was a brilliant after tea walk.

Author:  Mark Coome [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

Two owls on show last night and the bonus of a roe deer buck coming out of the trees and passing me no more than 5 yards away. Two yellowhammers as well.

Author:  Mark Coome [ Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

Last night, there were still 2 owls showing. I've seen one of them regularly taking prey back to the same tree, so I'm hopeful there are chicks about. It was also amazing to see a roe deer with 2 fawns feeding in the field. Other birds seen - kestrel x2, buzzard, lapwing, yellowhammer, chiffchaff, avocet, wren x 2, chaffinch, rook x5, crow, wood pigeon, meadow pipit, red legged partridge x2, pheasant

Author:  Mark Coome [ Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

2 owls on view again tonight plus kestrel, buzzard, chiffchaff, willow warbler and yellowhammer. There was a bonus tonight, after watching my step daughter complete the Race for Life at Normanby Hall, a hunting barn owl was seen on the edge of Normanby village.

Author:  Mark Coome [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

Thought I was going to have my first barn owl blank tonight. After 2 hours I'd not seen any of the 3 owls. As I got within 50 yards of my car I decided to scan the fields one last time and bingo! Other birds seen during my walk were:

Buzzard x 2
Yellowhammer x 2
Swift x 4
Lapwing x 20
Sand Martin (many)
Meadow Pipit
Red Legged Partridge x 2

Also saw a fox with prey ( a bird but hard to see) and a roe deer with 2 fawns

Author:  Mark Coome [ Mon Jun 12, 2017 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

The owls seemed to have adjusted their habits a little. 2 seen this evening, but like last night the first view was an hour later than normal. One of the owls was hunting a completely different area tonight, a lot further west. Tonight's other sightings:

kestrel x 3
yellowhammer on his normal telephone wire
red legged partridge x 5
buzzard x 3
shelduck x 4

fox with its prey(rabbit)
muntjac deer

Author:  Mark Coome [ Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

Last night's show:
Barn Owl x 2 including a good showing from the 'top' owl (the 3 owls are split 2 down from the ridge and 1 up from the ridge where I walk - the 'up' owl is the least showy individual)
Buzzard x 2
Kestrel x 3 - I also believe there is a kestrel nest at the start of my walk)
Shelduck x 2
Greylag Geese x20
Whitethroat x 3
Willow Warbler
Yellowhammer on his normal wire
Red Legged Partridge x 3
Sand Martin can't even estimate their numbers

2 roe Deer 1 doe and 1 buck
Fox - minus any prey this time

Author:  Mark Coome [ Sun Jun 18, 2017 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

On the hottest day of the year a lovely late evening walk in my favourite spot yielded:

Barn Owl x 3 - brilliant showings from all 3 tonight
Egyptian Geese x 2
Shelduck x 3
Tufted Duck x 2
Lapwing x 20
Sand Martin
Skylark x3

At one stage one of the barn owls flew directly over the head of a roe deer

Roe Deer x 2 (bucks)

Author:  Mark Coome [ Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

Last night's action:
Barn Owl x 2
Kestrel x 2
Reed Bunting
Lapwing x 40
Greylag Geese x 31
Sand Martin

Roe Deer

Author:  Mark Coome [ Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

After the earlier rain, the sun came out for the after tea walk. Tonight's selection:

Barn Owl
Buzzard x 2
Kestrel x 2
Shelduck x 4
Avocet x 4
Oystercatcher x 2
Pied Wagtail
Lapwing x 6
Blue Tit
Long Tailed Tit
Goldfinch x 4
Redshank x3
Black Headed Gulls
Sand Martin
Egyptian Goose
Greylag Geese

Author:  Mark Coome [ Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

A top night tonight
Barn Owl x 3
Buzzard x 2
Kestrel x 3
Avocet x 4 plus 2 chicks
Shelduck x 3 plus 4 chicks
Goldfinch x 2
Greylag Geese x 27
Skylark x 8
Red Legged Partridge x 8
Egyptian Geese x 2
Sand Martin
Black Headed Gull
Tufted Duck x 2
Pochard x 2

Roe Deer x2

Author:  Mark Coome [ Sat Jul 01, 2017 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

A change of tack today. A combination of poor weather and family commitments meant it had been a week since I'd been down to see the owls. Today I tried the opposite end of the day in the hope that the owls would still be out hunting after the recent damp weather. In position at 5:30am, I began to think I'd made a duff decision as the normal areas were owl free. By 6:15am though the 'bottom' 2 owls were out together hunting near the sheep field. It was awesome to watch and I had a great show for 45 minutes. To cap a great morning, as I walked back to the car I spotted the 'top' owl sitting on a distant fence post. Well worth the 5am alarm!

Today's list
Barn Owl x 3
Kestrel x 2
Goldfinch x 6
Greylag Geese x 12
Egyptian Geese x 2
Avocet x 2
Shelduck x 3 plus 2 chicks
Sand Martin
Red Legged Partridge x 5
Rook x 15
Carrion Crow
Black Headed Gull
Tufted Duck x6
Lapwing x 2
Reed Bunting x 3

Roe Deer x 2 (1 doe, 1 buck)

Author:  Mark Coome [ Sat Jul 01, 2017 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messingham Barn Owls

The area where I go to see the owls is accessed from the entrance to the bridleway which starts at grid reference SE933045. Never park in front of the gate here as the bridleway is in use by various vehicles.

As you walk along the bridleway, the 'down' owls are to your right behind the sheep field and the singular 'up' owl is always seen hunting the tree line to your left. There is no access to the fields to your left in order to protect the wildlife in the vicinity (foxes and roe and muntjac deer spotted in the fields).

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