Eight whimbrel a-calling in flight (south) over Humberston Fitties pools at 10.55am. Also on site up to 40 redshank, two little grebes and two juvenile cormorants. Earlier in the week, common sandpiper and dunlin were present but I didn't see any this morning.
Elsewhere, a single swift over Cleethorpes country park.
Today, sedge clearance was underway along the dyke bank running alongside Cleethorpes golf course from Little Buck Beck pumping station/ Premier Inn to the Links Road entrance to the country park. This was where yesterday I was watching a reed warbler feeding its young. So their survival prospects may have been reduced.
Can anyone clarify if mid-August is the optimum time for sedge/reed clearance of dykes? Wouldn't it be better to delay it to autumn for the benefit not just of nesting warblers and moorhens (and perhaps water rails) but also of emerging dragonflies, damselflies, etc?