The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Chapel Point SeaWatch
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Author:  Edmund Mackrill [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Chapel Point SeaWatch

Yesterday ( 24th ) 2hrs seawatching at Chapel Pt almost sent me to sleep.

What a difference a day makes - today( 25th ) from 15:00 - 18:30 there was never a dull moment.

Gannet - 70+ passing all the time - mostly sub adult
Common Scoter - 21 - 11 ad male 10 female types no white/pale bellies
Oystercatcher - 27 several small groups
Knot - 18
Dunlin - 11
Whimbrel - 16 and 31
Redshank - 4
Pomarine Skua - 2 dp birds together then 2 pp and a dp together - the pp birds had very prominent breast bands. All ads
Arctic Skua - 40+ - mainly dp birds and individuals present all the time harrying the Terns. Many very close in - eye contact!
LBB Gull - 12
Little Gull - 3 - 2nd cal year
Kittiwake - 14 - passing in 1's and 2's
Samdwich Tern - several hundred - passing constantly and stopping to fish off the point
Common Tern - 22
Arctic Tern - 3
Commic Tern - 3
Guillemot - 17 present on the sea resting and fishing very close in - I have never seen so many so close here. 1 juv
Razorbill - 1 ad with a small juv with the Guillemots

The local fishermen tell me that there are unusually high numbers of Whitebait at the moment. Certainly the Terns were catching plenty of fish.

Author:  Roy Harvey [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like a very interesting afternoon Ed. - wish I had been there !


Author:  Edmund Mackrill [ Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  26th watch

I couldn't resist having another look at the sea today as the weather conditions were pretty much as yesterday. However, much more rain developed and I was watching from under my brolly most of the time and because of the wet I couldn't write easily so some figures rounded of.

From 11:30 to 15:00 at Chapel Point
Fulmar - 1
Gannet - 60+ - 80% pianos
Knot - 7, 11, 8
whimbrel - 1, 4
Redshank - 6
Turnstone - 2,7,3,11,8 - some passage today
Arctic Skua - 26 - 16 dp, 10 pp
LBB gull - 6
Kittiwake - 1,1,1
Sandwich Tern - 200 + - very few juvs
Common Tern - 250+ - big increase from yesterday, passing all the time - all adults
Arctic Tern - 15 ads -
Commic Tern - 20+
Guillemot - 11 on sea around point
Razorbill - 1 on sea

There were plenty of small fish present again and many Terns and Gannets stopped off for a feed.

Author:  Steve Lister [ Sat Jul 28, 2007 5:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not Lincs I know but over the 25th and 26th I spent about 16 hours sea-watching at Spurn. Much the same species but far fewer skuas, and no Poms at all. Excellent wader passage on the 25th included 130+ Whimbrel.
A Great White Egret flew south that aternoon and was watched past the Point heading towards Donna Nook area. The 26th was far quieter.


Author:  Edmund Mackrill [ Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Had a couple of hours looking at the sea tonight from 18:00 - 20:00. Not alot about and interestingly nothing catching fish - local fishermen catching nothing all day either.

Only a few Gannets, Arctic Skuas,Sandwich and Common Terns passing but there was a steady passage of Arctic Terns - 31 passed S. Also, for the first time Little Terns were passing - 19 S.
The colour ringed Med Gull was also present but couldn't read the inscription.

Author:  John Walker [ Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Have spent a few hours over the past few evenings on the Theddlethorpe
beach, c 2500 mixed gulls coming in to roost along with c 300 terns,
inc common and arctic, first kittiwakes on mon evening, steady passage of waders but few skuas seen. John.

Author:  Geoff Williams [ Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

3 Artic Skuas over beach at Saltfleet Haven this morning.

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