The Lincolnshire Bird Club

Chapel Point/Rimac
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Author:  Stephen Routledge [ Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Chapel Point/Rimac

A seawatch at Chapel Point from 08.20-11.30 produced the following in far from ideal conditions:
264 Common Tern S.
94 Gannet S.
6 Turnstone S.
7 Knot S.
144 Oystercatcher S.
4 Curlew S.
2 Bar t.Godwit S.
4 Arctic Tern(2,N,2,S.)
63 Teal S.
18 Kittiwake offshore,feeding around dredger.
1 Adult Great-crested Grebe,sat on the sea.
4 Adult Dark morph Arctic Skua N.
1 Little Tern S.
2 Fem/Imm. Common Scoter S.
1 2nd wint. Little Gull feeding offshore
3 Grey plover S.
2 Sanderling S.
6 Dunlin S.
4 Cormorant N.
Also observed some bizarre behaviour, when an exhausted racing pigeon ditched on the sea,and was spotted and quickly despatched by a hungry 1st winter Great black backed Gull,definately the first time we had all observed that before!!

4 Greenshank
1 Green Sandpiper
79 Teal
9 Shoveler
1 Little Egret
1 Merlin


Steve,with Chris Atkin and Dave Wright.

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