The Lincolnshire Bird Club

3 days at Gib
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Author:  Nige Lound [ Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  3 days at Gib

The 17th, 18th and 19th Sept were spent at Gib in the pleasurable company of Andy SIMS. Although the promised good birding weather didn’t materialise the following is a summary of our combined sightings. On all 3 days there were Gannets all over the place. Heading south, north, fishing offshore and just loafing about on the sea. Most of the seabirds were heading south

17th September
Sea watch from 1300 to 1715 then Tennysons Sands from 1730 to 1845
Arctic Skua 19
Red Throated Diver 11 (all summer plumage)
Auk sp 25
Manx Shearwater 7 south
Little Gull 2
Arctic Tern 20
Common Tern 8
Little Tern 1

Tennysons Sands
Teal 35
Shoveler 12
Snipe 6
Dunlin 22
Ruff 1
Little Stint 1
Pintail 3
Common Sand 1
Little Egret 9 into roost on Jackson’s Marsh

18th September
Sea watch from 0700 to 1300 then checked all the hides. 1700 to 1900 another sea watch
Arctic Skua 42
Bonxie 12
UID Skua 4
Red Throated Diver 18
Kittiwake 2
Common Scoter 95
Teal 13
Wigeon 6
Shelduck 4
Sooty Shearwater 4
Manx Shearwater 4
Balearic Shearwater 1 north close in
Arctic Tern 28
Auk sp 12
Guillemot 4
Little Gull 1
Great Crested Grebe 1
Marsh Harrier 1 in off
Grey Wagtail 2
Lesser Redpoll 1
Fieldfare 1
Siskin 6
Kestrel 2
Sparrowhawk 1
Common Buzzard 1
A juvenile Temmincks Stint on Tennysons Sands early afternoon which hung around long enough for Ed MACKRILL to add it to his impressive “green list!”
Fieldfare 1 in east dunes

19th September
Sea watch from 0700 to 0930 and 1600 to 1745
Arctic Skua 43
Red Throated Diver 34
Common Scoter 34
Wigeon 35
Pintail 23
Teal 23
Little Gull 12
Kittiwake 2
Auk sp 77
Guillemot 4
Razorbill 2
Manx Shearwater 1
Shearwater sp 2
Great Crested Grebe 2
A distant large raptor at sea at 0840 was probably a Honey Buzzard but the distance prevented a positive ID unfortunately!

0930 to 1115 checked the saltings and lagoons at north end of reserve
Siskin 4
Grey Wag 1
Pied Wag 5
Mipit 10
Greenshank 3
Ruff 1
Dunlin 120
Knot 58
Curlew Sandpiper 11

1130 to 1300 Tennysons Sands
Golden Plover 160 briefly
Blackwit 152
Avocet 3
Little Stint 1
Dunlin 40
Greenshank 3
A stroll around Aylmer clearing, Meads and the East Dunes confirmed just how quiet things were so 1600 saw us watching the sea again!
A Water Rail was seen briefly in flight adjacent to Bulldog Bank and a Wheatear was on Mill Pond Road

16 Curlew Sands were present on the northernmost lagoon until dusk yesterday evening (20th Sept)



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