Alan et al.
Any, clues/reasoning or thought's why this happens!!
Most of the time they seem to co-exist, quite happily with a bit of give and take on both sides?
From my experience they do not appear to be prey species for each other or is it just wrong place, wrong time!! at a site which fulfills all the right criteria or urge to continue/achieve the best for the species.
Thought's wanted by all no matter how frivolous they may seem!!
Let us for a change, try to get a discussion going on this thread, which might pique an interest from more of the scientifically minded members who travel the world doing things we ENJOY as a Hobby/Life or pastime.
Head above the parapet again is me!!
Ps. I do not want to extend the thread deliberately on the point of just Birds, like us all, I have an interest in the Natural World that surrounds US and wish to extend our understanding of it.