Bob Sheppard and I have now finished our Barn Owl monitoring for 2013 – except for two very late broods where eggs hatched in early October, if successful chicks would fledge just prior to Christmas! I can't think that these will be successful, as we are likely to get some extreme weather before then, although they seemed to survive the wet/windy weather of last week-end. Lincolnshire Barn Owls rallied quite well in August, following the real concerns that we had at the beginning of the season, and there were some good sized broods around including two of 7 and several of 6 and 5 chicks. These did well thanks to some good weather and plenty of food around during the harvest period. We ended the year with just over 800 owls and raptors ringed which was around 25% less than normal, so nowhere near as bad as some other parts of the UK. Compared to the last few years the approximate reduction is as shown below:-
species.....Chicks ringed............compared to 2010-12 Kestrel..........172.............................-15% Barn Owl.......374.............................-40% Little Owl.......103.............................-15% Tawny Owl......12..............................-70%