Further to a visit to Southrey Wood in bright sunshine from 10.15 this morning (Fri).....
Buzzard circling and calling over the main track on two occasions.
White Admiral - just 4 (usually here in mid-July in double figures, even in the 20s). Comma - 3 Purple Hairstreak - 2, incl. one showing well on a low oak leaf small Skipper spp White spp Ringlet Meadow Brown
- no emergence of Peacock as yet; it usually starts in late July (and then, including hibernation, the butterfly can live for up to a year, dying as the annual emergence begins.) - by contrast, the Black Hairstreak flight period is about 3 weeks. -no Gatekeeper seen but good numbers should typically appear in the next week or so. I notice that David (Red Hill / 18 July) and Rick (Chambers / 18 July) did not mention any and I saw none at Robert's Field / 18 July - although Colin had 2 in his Branston garden yesterday.