Mark Bibby wrote:
Lance, there’s no point reporting anything out of the norm because no one believes us!!!! anyway who cares what others think I, FOR A FACT KNOW WHAT I SAW!
Alan you seem to know that the bloke who is releasing these butterflies owns a bike but it seems strange you don’t know his name?? when every one else does, or are you just trying to get some one else to highlight the problem for you because you don’t want to?
The man from Notts with us on the day was a birder who has took up an interest in butterflies for the summer. The man, who got into a car at the end of the day was a different person to whom you seem to have jumped to the conclusion of it being.
As regards the insect/s I saw there is no chance it was a moth even though I only saw it in flight, frits in flight are distinctive as you know.
As regards to the butterflies not being in the in the county should the current Lesser yellow leg’s or Long billed Dowitcher be at Gib, NO!
If you check last years records there was quite a few frits reported out of their normal haunts e.g.: Notts, Northants. Please tell me why not in Lincs?
Finally it seems to me that if you not one of the few who’s allowed to report new species or new site then why bother?. Some peoples attitudes don’t encourage others to report their finds.
Mark Bibby
Very well put Mark
The chap you was with at chambers his name is Des