Freddy Johnson wrote:
Just a comment or two, further to the post SALTFLEETBY NNR - APRIL 25 and the additional points made on the nomenclature of such species as (Eurasian) Whimbrel, (Northern) Swift, (Common) Cuckoo, etc. - presumably, better placed in the LINCS BIRD CHAT rather than in the LINCS BIRD REPORTS.
It may well be that our Lincs Bird Club website is now in danger of developing a 'them' and 'us' class division. As with all 'them' and 'us' situations, the pretentious extremist could lead us to witness the ingrained attitude of those who snobbishly smeared the unfortunate Kate Middleton's mother ('Doors to Manual') for using the 'wrong' verbal register.
It must certainly be obligatory in the rarified atmosphere of an Ornithological Congress in Zurich or Berlin (or Sandy, BEDS?) to refer to Eurasian Woodcock (or Scolopax rusticola) and Northern Swift (or Apus apus), and where in many cases, anyway, some of the delegates are as keen on watching the other delegates (for academic faux pas) as they are on watching birds. But, I would suggest, in all academic humility, that your average London birder who commutes on a Clapham omnibus or your average Lincs birder sat in a hide at Far Ings or Whisby is most unlikely to exclaim, "There goes another Eurasian Whimbrel plus three Northern Swifts." If he did, I think a guffaw or two of derision might follow from other birders present, or a look of pity.
If we report on the Lincs Bird Club website that we've seen a Cuckoo or a Wheatear, could anyone seriously suggest that we might be talking about a Yellow-billed Cuckoo or a Black-eared Wheatear (chance would be a fine thing) instead of the standard Lincs variety?
To summarise, can we not agree to employ the 'common' bird names on our website unless there is a clear possibility of being misunderstood.
Regards ,
PS The above is written in the context of the Lincs Bird Club reports ie birding in Lincolnshire. If the context is eg Non-Lincs Birding - Abroad, then clearly one has to separate Common Cuckoo from Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Northern Wheatear from Black-eared Wheatear, etc.
I'm of the opinion there has been and still is a "them and us" on here.
Although the following isn't directly connected to your subject matter, it is still relevant.
Over the last few months I have noticed a good number of members no longer put their sightings on the forum, which is a pity. I have contacted several members asking why, and the reasons they give doesn't surprise me.
I will continue to give sightings on here no matter how much flack I get. I believe in saying what I think, whether it be on here or face-to-face.
It's a pity that the pettyness of certain members who feel the need to tick off some new members who don't always put their sightings in the correct place give it a rest!
I hope my comments provoke members to reply, including those who don't put their sightings on anymore.
Without sightings this forum would fold.