Just returned from a stunning week's birding on the Dingle Peninsula.
The undoubted highlight was me finding a 1st Winter Citrine Wagtail at Lough Gill, which was successfully twitched by some irish birders. managed to get some shots too (included below).
2nd tick of the week was a superb juv. Semipalmated sandpiper (photo also below).
Other highlights included Ring Billed Gull, loads of med gulls and Little Gull and Blue Headed Wagtail, both of the latter represnting really good records for County Kerry.
I would recommend this destination for any birders wanting some stunning birding (on their own as there are no other birders about!), the chance to find their own rarity, some great people, the scenery and not forgetting, the mighty black stuff called guiness!
Contact me if you want any more info and have a look at my website for some common and rare bird shots from the holiday.